keith wilkerson
Keith Wilkerson is Worship Pastor at Sovereign Life Fellowship in Longview, having served as Minister of Music in the East Texas area for over 40 years. He grew up in Canton, graduating from Canton High School and then attending Tyler Jr. College, Eastfield College and Richland College. For 28 years, he served as minister of music at First Baptist Church Liberty City. Prior to moving to Liberty City, he served churches in Athens and Ben Wheeler. In 1985 while working in the family construction business, Keith sustained a severe neck injury which left him unable to sing. By God’s grace, his ability to sing was restored and now he has the privilege of traveling to various churches, camps, conferences, schools and mission trips to sing and share what God has done in his life. Using humor, a guitar and a variety of musical styles, he loves leading people to worship the Lord.
Keith has over 400 published works to his credit in various styles from gospel songs to choral works to praise and worship music. In 1991, he established Transformation Music, a ministry that helps to provide music, resources and training for smaller churches helping to equip them to minister through music. For 15 years, Keith was director of the Singing Men of Texas, a men’s choir made up of Ministers of Music from across the East Texas area.
He continues to enjoy singing with this group today. Keith truly believes that “a merry heart doeth good like a medicine.” He is a frequent speaker and entertainer for church and civic events - often sharing about Molly, his unusual looking dog, or about once being the judge of the Texas State Pinto Bean Cookoff.
Keith and his wife Debbie make their home in Liberty City. After 49 years of marriage, they still like each other....and enjoy traveling, spoiling grandkids and watching the Texas Rangers. They have two grown children, six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.